Lisa Dee Reiki
Lisa Dee Reiki

Shamanic Reiki Master & Holistic Healer

In Person Reiki


is an energy healing practice that is done by placing the hands in a series of positions touching the body or slightly above body. Reiki promotes healing by aligning blocked Ki (Japanese) or Chi (Chinese) starting at the very cellular level outward. Multiple sessions are always recommended.

1 Session




60 Minutes

Extended Time Session Also Available.
Rates as of January 1, 2022. Subject to change.

1 Session ( Extended )




75 Minutes

Extended Time Session Also Available.
Rates as of January 1, 2022. Subject to change.

Drum Meditation (Add-On)


25 00

15 Minutes

Utilizing the power of vibration and resonance, drumming stimulates the release of blocked energy surrounding your aura, chakras, and surroundings.

Lisa Dee Reiki | More Than Just Reiki

Is your physical, mental or spiritual health needing some love and care?​

Prepare to experience transformative healing from the inside out with Reiki and other modalities.

Lisa uses an array of tools in her sessions, including spirit animals (shamanism), Intuitive visions and/or clairaudience; and essential oils. Furthermore, she also incorporates *Therapy of The Soul tm (TOS). Each session is different depending on the nature of the individual.

*The Therapy of the Soul is a method of Spiritual Healing, founded by an internationally known Holistic Psychotherapist (to date, Lisa still works with him). It draws from the Mystical Literature of the world’s Spiritual Traditions and from Quantum Physics.

It is important to keep in mind that a Reiki session always facilitates healing the body and mind  beginning on the cellular level first.

There is not really a set number of sessions needed because every person is on their own path of healing. Some people may only require one or two sessions, while others need several. Chronic conditions will benefit from Reiki but require repeated sessions for an improvement to be seen, which will then allow energy to build up within the body.

Client Praise

I felt so relaxed and secure as you gave me your undivided attention. I was able to access my third eye , and had the most intense spiritual experience. All I can say is WOW, and I look forward to next time.

~ Dr. Ellen Haimoff

I’d done Reiki before but this was my first virtual experience and it was wonderful, I felt lighter and more focused. Lisa really understood me and what I was trying to accomplish.

~ Craig

It was a touching experience, and yet, we weren’t even in person. Highly recommend to anyone who is interested in holistic healing / becoming more connected with self.

~ Laura R.